Offer Locator Tool Widgets

Overview of Widgets

EveryoneOn created the widgets below for organizations to help families and individuals find low-cost internet service and computers faster!

What is a Widget? A widget is a small block on a website that performs a specific function. Think of a Twitter or Facebook icon embedded on a website inviting visitors to follow the organization on these social media platforms. In this case, these widgets are a short-cut, if you will, to the offer locator tool where visitors can find internet service and computers.

The widget is linked to your unique URL, so you will be able to track how many people use the tool to find offers. 

How to Set-up the Widget

  1. Select the size and format you want on your website
  2. Click 'Copy to Clipboard' below the size you prefer.
  3. Then, paste the code into the HTML of your web site.  The widget will be embedded and the offer results page will open in a new window for your web site visitors.


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